Welcome to my mind!
It's a scary place sometimes, but if I don't "bleed the valve", so to speak, I think it might explode. This is my first attempt at writing a blog about ME. I've authored a sports blog before, published a photo blog of my daughter's first few years, and even maintained a blog site for my Sunday School class at church ... but never a blog written by me, about me, and (let's be honest here) for me.
I invite you into my noggin ... watch out for the landmines.
I may need to publish a list of prerequisites for this blog: films, songs, tv shows, books, etc. that you really need to experience before you can fully understand what comes out of my mouth (or in this case off of my fingertips). I always joke with my co-workers that there is going to be a "To Better Understand Tyson, These Films & Shows are Now Required Viewing" list posted in the backroom. I really should get around to that one day.
If you haven't seen it, start with the movie "CLUE". Yes, the one based on the board game. Yes, the one that has three different endings. Yes, the one starring "that guy that was that scientist dude in that weird movie where everyone throws food in the theatre". If you know that I think CLUE is one of the funnest and funniest movies of my lifetime, then you will have a much better understanding of future posts at this here blog.
I am speaking to FBC Youth tomorrow night, so please pray for me. Pray for me to get out of the way and let God do His thing through me. (THAT is a whole 'nother blog post right there!) I hope to post an update soon, and I'll let you know how it went.
God bless,