

As of three minutes ago, I turned 35.
Wait ... checking my math ... yep, 35.

I know a lot of people that cringe every year when their birthday rolls around and even more that play that cute "turned 29 again today" game with their age.

I am here to tell you that I love being 35!

No, it is not because I have achieved some landmark age.
It is not that I still have over half of my life left.(assuming I am "average")
It's not that my insurance goes down this year, either. (which it doesn't)
It's not that I celebrated my birthday on Sunday watching 80's synth-pop band, OMD, in concert. (although, that show stinkin' rocked!)

Why, then, you ask am I lovin' being 35?

This year, 2011, I have officially been with my wonderful wife, Shannon, for over half of my life! That's right. 18 years with ... 17 without.

We met in '93 and married in '96.
We have never broken up. Never had a trial separation. Never agreed to see other people. Never took a Ross & Rachel style "break".
We have been TOGETHER for over half of my life!

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Happy Birthday to me, and I love you, Shannon. : )


Apathy v. Faith

Well, I'm not off to a great start keeping this updated, am I?

Since I last wrote, I've been swamped at work ... not necessarily with business, but busyness. That's okay, though. The busyness will lead to better business in the long run.

A few days after my last entry, I had the privilege of speaking at FBC Gainesville Wednesday Night Youth service. I spoke on the "Faith Hall of Fame" that is found in Hebrews 11. I shared with the kids the FULL definition of faith: not just a belief, but a conviction, an obedience, a devotion. Are we living out our faith in a way that is worthy of induction into the "Faith Hall of Fame"?

Hebrews 11 is my favorite Bible passage. I have Dennis Rawls to thank for that. He was my high school principal and Bible teacher. My senior year we had to memorize the entire chapter. I fell in love with the passage then and with the idea of Faith put into action.

I tell you all this to confess that sometimes I wonder about my faith. No, not like that. This is not yet another in the ever-growing trend of Christian publicly acknowledging, even lamenting their tremendous level of doubt in their faith. (If that topic appeals to you, let me recommend Jason Boyett's blog . Jason is the author of O Me of Little Faith and from my hometown of Amarillo, Tx)

What I wonder about my faith is this:
Is my faith really so strong that I (to borrow a book title) "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"?
Do I just not care enough to worry about the small stuff?

And it's not just the small stuff.
There's big stuff, too. Like my Grandma's death.

Grandma died about 10 years ago. I lived in Florida at the time but (thanks to the generosity of my wonderful in-laws) was able to fly into Amarillo for the funeral and to be with my family.

Here's the deal, though:

I didn't really mourn the passing of my Grandma. Sure, I got a little misty-eyed during the funeral, but I never really sat and contemplated her death ... never pondered how it would impact my Mom and her siblings ... never wept in grief.
It is worth noting here (and if you know me really well, you know this already): I am a deep thinker, a contemplative dude ... I ponder habitually ... and I cry.
Expressing any level of grief and mourning would have been perfectly within my character, but I expressed virtually none.

Was this because I had such faith in God that He would take care of my family in this time of need? Was this because I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that Grandma is heaven? Was this because I had faith that we would all get through this okay?
Or was it simply because I didn't care enough to be as impacted by the whole thing as I expected to be?

To this day, some ten years later, I have never grieved my Grandma's passing. I did weep in my sleep a few years after she died. Wept so hard, it woke me up. (And that is hard to do ... I once slept through a tornado!)

Is my faith just THAT strong? Or is my apathy just THAT big?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Faith v. Apathy conundrum. Do you struggle with it as well?

Until next time ...

In His Care,